As far back as I can remember, my Aunt Cyndi (my Dad's sister) used to make the most deliciously beautiful cakes. She made birthday cakes, graduation cakes, holiday cakes ... cakes for just about any occasion. She even made my wedding cake in 1993. But Aunt Cyndi had cancer, and she passed away in March, 1996. Shortly after that, our family had a dilemma: Now that Cyndi was gone, who would make cakes for our family gatherings to celebrate birthdays and other life events? Sounds silly, I know, but it was a real problem for our family because we had been so spoiled in that area. We couldn't bring ourselves to just go to the grocery store buy a cake with zero personality.
So, later that year, I took a cake decorating class at Michael's with my Mom and my Aunt Trish. I think it cost about $10, and it was 4 sessions. We all learned the basics, but in the end Mom & Aunt Trish decided that I was going to be the new designated family cake-maker.
Now I have a whole album full of pictures of cakes I've made for my friends and family. Even some for money. And as frustrated and stressed out as I get every time I make a cake, it's still a creative outlet for me. My edible multi-sensory art. A unique creation to be enjoyed. And, I know that just like every person, every cake has a story. So I thought a cake decorating blog would be a perfectly fun way to share those stories with others.
Anyway, I started the cake blog today, but there will be other posts that appear earlier and later than this date. If I can remember, I may make the post dates coincide with when the cakes were made, so they'll appear in chronological order. Or maybe I'll categorize them according to who they were made for. Not sure yet. So, stay tuned ... and feel free to browse around. I hope that you enjoy watching my adventures in cake decorating!
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